Setting Up the Client on Linux- IBM JMS Interface Development IBM FileNet 5.5.x Workflow

IBM JMS Interface DevelopmentCreating the AUD_CIOps Java Project, IBM Certification Exams, Stopping and Starting the Queue Manager Setting Up the Client on Linux- IBM JMS Interface Development IBM FileNet 5.5.x Workflow

Set up the client component using the MQSERVER environment variable.

We need to find out the network name of the machine which hosts the queue manager (our example QM is called wasadm) from the system administrator.

Log in as the user who will be running the Express File Transfer, who must be a member of the mqm group. (On the ecmukdemo6 Linux server, this is wasadm.)

Open a command prompt.


cd $HOME

Use a text editor to edit the profile. This example assumes that you are using the bash shell, so you need to edit the file $HOME/.bashrc. If you are using a different system shell, consult your system documentation. Add the following text to the bottom of the file:

vi $HOME/.bashrc


For example:

MQSERVER=CLIENT.wasadm/TCP/’ecmukdemo6′; export MQSERVER

Figure 3-162The MQSERVER environment variable is set up

Replace hostname with the name (ecmukdemo6) that identifies the server machine on the network.

Close the command prompt.

Log out and log back in for the change to take effect.

Check as follows.

Figure 3-163The MQSERVER environment variable is checked

You have now set up the client and server components needed. The next task is to send a message from the client to the server queue manager wasadm.

Sending a Message from a Client to a Server

To send a message from the client to the server queue manager wasadm, which uses the remote queue definition AUDQAR:

Open a command prompt on the client and follow these steps:

Start the amqsputc sample program as follows.

On Linux, change to the MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH/samp/bin directory, where MQ_INSTALLATION_PATH represents the high-level directory in which WebSphere MQ is installed:

[wasadm@ecmukdemo1 Router]$ cd /opt/mqm/samp/bin

Type the command:

./amqsputc AUDCONN1

Testing for Errors

The error “Dead-letter Queue attribute refers to a queue that does not exist (AUDD1) wasadm Queue Manager / General”

Remediation for Missing Dead-Letter Queue, AUDD1

Create Dead-Letter Queue AUDD1.

Figure 3-164The Queues ➤ New ➤ Local Queue menu

The menu is selected as shown in Figure 3-164 to create a new AUDD1 Dead-Letter Queue.

Figure 3-165The SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE template Object is selected

The Next> command is selected to start the Queue creation process.

Figure 3-166The Start wizard to create a matching JMS Queue tick box is selected

Next, we have to select the option to create a matching JMS Queue.

Figure 3-167The Finish command button is clicked to create the Queue

The pop-up window is loaded to display the creation status for the Queue.

Figure 3-168The status of the Queue creation is displayed

Figure 3-169The wizard to create a new JMS queue matching the Dead-Letter Queue is launched

Figure 3-170The LDAP server JMS Context is displayed

Figure 3-171The Next command is clicked to display the Destination JMS object

Figure 3-172The AUDQCF queue is displayed

Figure 3-173The Next> command is selected to match the AUDD1 Dead-Letter Queue

Figure 3-174The Finish command is clicked to complete the JMS Queue link

Figure 3-175The status of the JMS Queue creation command is displayed

On clicking OK on the status display for the queue, the new AUDD1 Dead-Letter Queue is displayed.

Figure 3-176The new AUDD1 Dead-Letter Queue is displayed

Test the wasadm Queue Manager again.

Figure 3-177The changes are tested, using the Tests ➤ Run Default Tests menu

The Test error results show we need to create the AUDQ1 Queue.

Figure 3-178The Run Default Tests are conducted on the wasadm Queue Manager

Now, we see the error as follows:

Error Default Transmission Queue attribute refers to a queue that does not exist (AUDQ1) wasadm Queue Manager / General

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