// define the name of the QueueManager
//String qManager = “wasadm”;
// and define the name of the Queue
//String qName = “AUDQAR”;
// Put the message to the queue
System.out.println(“Sending a message…”);
// Note that the generic Connection Factory works for both queues & topics
// String cfLookup = “cn=AUDQCF”; //ASB Tests
System.out.println(“Lookup connection factory ” + cfLookup);
// String JNDITopic = “cn=AUDTopic”;
// String JNDIQueue = “cn=AUDQCF”;
// Class variables
javax.jms.Session jmssession = null; // JMS Session
javax.jms.Connection jmsconnection = null; // JMS Connection
//String dLookup = “cn=AUDQCF”; // LDAP JMS Destination
String myMode = null; // Program mode
String destType = null; // Destination type
//MQEnvironment.hostname = “ecmukdemo6”;
//MQEnvironment.channel = “SYSTEM.DEF.CLNT.CONN”;
//MQEnvironment.port = 1417;
MQEnvironment.hostname = hostName;
MQEnvironment.channel = channel;
int MQport = Integer.parseInt(sMQport);
MQEnvironment.port = MQport;
//Use two lines of code below for the XML Message
//MQMessage hello_world = new MQMessage();
// Create a connection to the queue manager
ConnectionFactory connFactory = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup( cfLookup );
ConnectionFactory factory;
Queue queue;
Topic topic;
//Retrieve the Queue object details from the JNDI lookup
queue = (com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueue)ctx.lookup(JNDIQueue); //ASB Initial code line Changed from (Queue)
System.out.println(“Create and start the connection”);
jmsconnection = connFactory.createConnection(MQuser,MQpassword); //ASB Note that this a server Unix user for MQ not the
// LDAP user!
//ConnectionFactory connFactory = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup( cfLookup );
//JmsConnectionFactory connFactory = (JmsConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup( cfLookup ); //ASB FIX
System.out.println(“Create the session”);
//Create the session
boolean transacted = true;
javax.jms.Session session= jmsconnection.createSession(transacted, javax.jms.Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
myDest = (Destination)ctx.lookup(dLookup);
putMsg( myDest, Message,session );
// Clean up session and connection
session = null;
jmsconnection = null;
} catch( JMSException je ) {
System.out.println(“caught JMSException: ” + je);
Exception le = je.getLinkedException();
if (le != null) System.out.println(“linked exception: “+le);
//TODO Log exception message
} catch( Exception e ) {
//TODO Log exception message
System.out.println(“Error : ” + e.getMessage());
System.out.println(“Error Stack : ” + e.toString());
// A finally block is a good place to ensure that we don’t forget
// to close the most important JMS objects
} finally {
if (JMSsession != null) {
//Closing Session
if (JMSconnection != null) {
//Closing Connection
//if (le.getMessage() != null)
//TODO Add to logger
// A single
private void putMsg( Destination myDest, String outString, javax.jms.Session jmssession )
throws JMSException, Exception
//MessageProducer myProducer = JMSsession.createProducer(myDest);//REFLECTION ISSUE!
if (Message.length() > 0) {
TextMessage outMessage = JMSsession.createTextMessage();
//myProducer.send(outMessage); //REFLECTION ISSUE!
Listing 3-9The AUDOperations.java code is updated for rebuild and deployment