a) In the object store navigation pane, click the Administrative ➤ Workflow System ➤ Isolated Regions folder and click the isolated region that you want to modify.
Figure 3-259The New Component Queue menu item is selected
b) Right-click the Component Queues folder and click New Component Queue.
Figure 3-260The Component Queue is named AUD_Operations
c) The AUDOperations.jar Code Module we created earlier is loaded.
d) Then, the AUDOperations.jar file Code Module we added earlier is selected.
Figure 3-262The AUDOperations.jar Code Module is selected
e) Select the previously loaded AUD_Operations code module.
Figure 3-263The Available methods list is shown as expected
On loading the AUDOperations.jar file, the system uses Java reflection to identify and display the public methods which can be called in a Component Integrator step in the IBM Case Manager workflow steps, which we will cover later in this chapter.
Figure 3-264The Adapter Properties are shown and the defaults used
Figure 3-265The New Component tab is displayed with JAAS authentication prompts
It should be noted that the Configuration context was changed later to CELogin in Figure 3-265.
Figure 3-266The Finish command is used to create the AUD_Operations Queue
Figure 3-267The AUD_Operations Queue is shown to be created successfully
Figure 3-268The AUD_Operations Component Queue is now available for use
The preceding steps were repeated for the OS1 Design Object Store.
Figure 3-269The AUDOperations.jar is created in the OS1, Design Object Store
Figure 3-270The created AUDOperations.jar in the OS1 Design Object store
Figure 3-271The parameters for the AUD_Operations Component Queue
Figure 3-272The AUD_Operations Component Queue is created
Figure 3-273The methods need to be exposed for use in the Workflow
The Component Queues Import Operations system uses Java reflection to identify the available public methods to be called, from which the option is available to tick a selection box as shown in Figure 3-273. We selected the two methods, getFolderDocuments and sendJMSMessages, which were tested in the Eclipse JUnit test harness, AUDOperationsTest.java.
Figure 3-274The General tab is used to add the Description for the method
The sendJMSMessage method sends a message to the AUDQAR MQ System.
First, a description is entered for the General tab.
Figure 3-275The description for the getFolderDocuments method is entered
Editing the Parameters
Next, the 15 parameters are edited with their names on the Parameters tab.
The parameters for the sendJMSMessage method are viewed as templates on the Parameters tab. Notice that the param names are not displayed in strict numeric order, and the first attempt to edit with the parameter names led to some being out of order, when displayed as a workflow component step set of arguments. For accuracy of entry, all the automatically created parameters were first deleted and then added back and set up with their names in the correct order for the calling sendJMSMessage method.
Figure 3-276The 15 parameters of the sendJMSMessage method
Figure 3-277The first attempt at entering the parameters by overwriting the templates
Checking the Deployment in Component Manager and Workflow
We can now launch the Standalone Process Designer Java program using the Windows cmd.exe DOS window (which we launch as the Windows administrator), with the commands as follows:
cd c:\PROGRA~2\IBM\FileNet\ContentEngine\tools\PE
pedesigner.bat CP1
This loads a pop-up window prompting us for a Process Engine administrator login (see Chapter 2, Figure 2-190).