Creating a Non-privileged MQ User for a Client Application Connection- IBM JMS Interface Development IBM FileNet 5.5.x Workflow-3

Now we can edit the new db2inst1 user’s db2iadm1 group to give the group Change, Delete, and Display security access. Figure 3-121The db2iadm1 group is edited to add the security ... Read MoreRead More


Creating a Non-privileged MQ User for a Client Application Connection- IBM JMS Interface Development IBM FileNet 5.5.x Workflow-2

DEFINE QLOCAL(‘ queue-name ‘) DESCR(‘Queue for use by sample programs’)• queue-name is the name of your queue. SET AUTHREC OBJTYPE(QMGR) PRINCIPAL(‘ non-privileged-user-id ‘) +AUTHADD(CONNECT, INQ)• non-privileged-user-id is the user ID ... Read MoreRead More


Creating a Non-privileged MQ User for a Client Application Connection- IBM JMS Interface Development IBM FileNet 5.5.x Workflow-1

The instructions from this link were procedure creates a non-privileged user ID to be used for a client application which connects to the queue manager. Access is granted for ... Read MoreRead More